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Git Alias

Git Alias

If there is a common but complex Git command that you type frequently, consider setting up a simple Git alias for it. Aliases enable more efficient workflows by requiring fewer keystrokes to execute a command. It is important to note that there is no direct git alias command. Aliases are created through the use of the git config command and the Git configuration files.

Terminal window
git config --global checkout

Now when I use the command git co, it is just as if I had typed that longer git checkout command.

Terminal window
git co -b branch1


Terminal window
Switched to a new branch 'branch1'

Creating the aliases will not modify the source commands. So git checkout will still be available even though we now have the git co alias.

Terminal window
git checkout -b branch2


Terminal window
Switched to a new branch 'branch2'

Aliases can also be used to wrap a sequence of Git commands into new Git command.